Janet: Hey Cassie how’s it going?
Cassie: Great actually. You know this social media stuff really works.
Janet: It does eh?
Cassie: Yes. It took me a few months to get it, but now I have accounts with Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn and three others. Isn’t that fantastic?
Janet: Sure sounds like it. Wow you have been busy.
Cassie: I know and here’s the best thing, it’s so much fun. Honest. You get to share and socialize and the key word, the main thing, the big kahuna of all is to engage the client... and I have to say, I can do that very well.
Janet: What’s that about then?
Cassie: Well I ran quite a few contests where my social contacts can enter to win a free trip. I also sent out photos of my recent cruise, wrote a blog about cruising, pinned a number of images… quite a few of my posts went viral.
Janet: Now I’m impressed.
Cassie: Hold on, you haven’t heard the latest… I generated a 50% uptick in LIKES on my Facebook page and over 500 people shared the image of me showing a bucket of beer being poured over my head! Great eh? I have to say this social media marketing is the way to go. I’m getting very well known and it hasn’t really cost me a dime other than the free trips I give away and my ads on Facebook.
Janet: I’ll say it again, it sounds very, very impressive and it’s what I read about all the time in the trade press. Hey you’re living the life!
Cassie: I guess so. But enough about me, what about you? What have you been doing?
Janet: Oh well, nothing like you that’s for sure. I can’t match your social media successes.
Cassie: That’s a shame. Perhaps I can help you? Do you have any business coming in?
Janet: Bookings? Oh yeah, absolutely. Big time. Just closed a large group to Europe – 45 people on that tour. Have a world cruise booking just wrapping up, should be about $175,000 for that one and overall I guess I’m booking about thirty new clients each month… but as I say, I can’t do social like you do it.
Cassie: Err… you mean you generated all that business without using social media, without engaging first? Come on. It can’t be true. I mean I haven’t closed a booking in weeks. It takes time. You have to build the relationship through engagement and conversation first don’t you? You can’t just call a client and sell them… can you?
Janet: I guess I’m doing it all wrong then. I just call my clients by telephone and send some an email then I follow up by calling their mobile. I do the same thing when they refer their friends… I just call them up and chat about their trip. This year I should do close to… well, let’s see… I guess about another half-million dollars in referrals, so overall probably about a million-five.
Cassie: WOW! I haven’t broken $25,000 yet?
Janet: In commission?
Cassie: No, sales!
Janet: Well I guess, as you say, that social media marketing takes time and you have to stick with it to build those connections. Sounds like you are on a roll so keep at it. I’m sure it will pay off. Are you doing any travelling?
Cassie: Not really. Can’t afford it yet. How about you?
Janet: Yes for sure. I’m just back from a 3 week safari, a small group and I stayed on to tour by myself. That was great. Next week off to kayak through Europe and then back to lead another group to China.
Cassie: That sounds sooo wonderful!
Janet: Yeah but I tell you I suck at social media. Just can’t get it going. I know it will come back to bite me, but by then I hope to have a team of tour guides working for me and perhaps by then I can chill out and travel more! Anyway, better get going. It’s been great chatting with you Cassie… you are my social media guru for sure! Bye for now!
Cassie: Yes, wonderful to see you again… and don’t forget to start planning your social media marketing campaign… it really does work!